Erasmus also lacked a complete copy of the Book of Revelation and translated the last six verses back into Greek from the Latin Vulgate to finish his edition., The information in this article is to be greatly commended and respected, but far more, the humility from which it is written. I started with a NKJV, then last 10 years or so a NASB. Can you state the one very important verse that will lead some into sin that is in the WEB bible. Even those who love the manuscript will admit it has serious quality problems. Full NEB text is available online at site I linked below. These few words would have guided her. There is no way to reduce Erasmus entire pool to 7-8 manuscripts. Tischendorf also that said he: counted 14,800 alterations and corrections in Sinaiticus. He goes on to say: The New Testamentis extremely unreliableon many occasions 10, 20, 30, 40, words are droppedletters, words, even whole sentences are frequently written twice over, or begun and immediately canceled. Further, this argument for Scribes choosing better manuscripts has parallels from the Textual Criticism of non-Biblical works too. The words do matter; please see my article on Bible translation for powerful evidence of that. A womans long hair is the symbol of authority, and notice that feminists almost universally have short(er) hair. In the second edition, he changed the title to Novum Testamentum omne, and used an additional manuscript for the compilation. However, I have included it for completeness. But the word of our God stands forever.. I just wanted to say thanks for putting in the time and effort to write up this article and to link the sources as well (Im a scientist, so I really want to go to the original sources of information as much as possible). (Part one, part two, part three, part four.). You previously said we should use the TR, or KJV which is based on the TR. God Bless, and venture forth armed with knowledge. I know you cannot hear tone in a text reply, so I can only hope that you believe me when I say that Im not trying to be difficult with you or that Im angry at you. Co-chairs. My wife didnt sleep very well last night so shes still in bed or is she? Let me say that again: The Textus Receptus got its name because of a marketing ploy. How can the scriptures have been kept pure in all ages when if the Textus Receptus is pure it has readings that never existed before? We have it incredibly accurately. ( a symbol of and her are supplied and not in the original but states the obvious that the head covering is a symbol and that it is placed on the womans (her) head. Irenaeus in the 2nd century, though not in Alexandria, made a similar admission on the state of corruption among New Testament manuscripts. Textus Receptus means "Received Text" and refers to the published Greek New Testament text that was used as the basis for Bible translations in the Reformation period. Did that disprove the promise of preservation? But the Romans 16:25-27 and 14:24-26 text are identical. Globe and Mail, July 31, 2010 Accessed March 26, 2011, 5. As an aside because the KJV is often central to the Confessional Position its worth noting that the KJV wasnt translated from any one single text. Exactly. Despite the Byzantine text type being vindicated by extremely early manuscript findings, there remains a persistent bias against Byzantine readings for no apparent reason. I am wondering why you say that it is a matter of less than 1% of the New Testament. Ive found this information in various books: Theres a Textual Variant on the word gentle. 21 who through Him believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God. He was fluent in German and Dutch, could communicate orally in Arabic and French and could understand and write Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic. Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.. Tischendorf himself might not have been sure. Koine Greek New Testament - Accented Scrivener 1894 Textus Receptus . In English the indefinite article a gets an n added when the next word starts with a vowel. Several of Pauls letter were encyclical, meaning they were intended to be passed around from church to church. and to offer a sacrifice according to what is said in the Law of the Lord, a pair of turtle-doves, or two young pigeons. BTW: Ive enjoyed our robust conversations. Nice article, well-balanced and thoughtful. So if you hold to the Majority Text theory, youll needed to decide if youll only include Greek manuscripts. While the character of the workers can shed some light on the work, I prefer to judge a work based on its merits, not what the authors might have believed. The New Westminster Dictionary of the Bible concurs, It should be noted, however, that there is no prominent Biblical MS. in which there occur suchgross cases of misspelling,faulty grammar, andomission, as in B [Vaticanus].. So just to make sure Im understanding you correctly it sounds like youre saying its reasonable to ignore whether a word is singular or plural when exegeting the scriptures? I really enjoyed reading your thorough treatment above; Because theres not a Snapp Eclectic Greek NT and a related English translation of the SEGNT, Im less sure what it means in practical terms of buying a Bible and which actual Bible your analysis would lead you to pick off the shelf? Textus Receptus means "received text." It is the name given to the Greek New Testament published by Erasmus. If you ask most people, the Textus Receptus is the Greek text assembled by Erasmus from which the King James Version was translated. Youre welcome. I am very thankful to have found your work. Again, well go back to Westcott & Hort because they did the original work that virtually all modern New Testament translations are based on. Thats much closer to an answer. This page was last modified on 5 March 2016, at 14:05. He lived in the late 1800s and early 1900s. You are basing your conclusions on very little evidence. Typically, these variants are found only in a single manuscript, or in a small group of manuscripts from one small part of the world. All saving knowledge is obtained from the Word of God, through the Holy Spirit (Romans 10:17; I Peter 1:23; John 17:17; John 1:1; John 1:11-14; John 20:31). 1. (see 1 Timothy 2:11-12, Ephesians 5, 1 Peter 3, 1 Corinthians 7:36-38, Numbers 30, etc.). My question is if the Critical Text is the text behind the NASB and comes primarily from two manuscripts that are of dubious quality, why do you prefer the NASB? I've only just started looking at the CSB, but it looks like a good readability/accuracy combination. You might want to check the original language in that verse, because it actually says You shall keep him, singular, not them plural. Was There a Scribal Preference to Copy Better Manuscripts? Their approach is to take all the manuscripts we have, and find which Textual Variant has support among the majority of manuscripts, and given that reading priority. The science of assembling these manuscripts is called "Textual Criticism", and you can consider this a complete Textual Criticism 101 article because we'll look at these topics in exhaustive detail. The TR had the singular in 1550 but was changed to the plural in the 1894 TR. Im not sure which. The first document to be called Textus Receptus was the 1633 printing of the Elzevir Greek New Testament, which was substantially identical to the 1565 version of Bezas Greek New Testament. The Majority Text and the Original Text: Are They Identical? Wherever I changed the text there is a footnote showing the original KJV reading. Your article clarified a few things for me and added some detail. Im finished. In addition to his career as a translation specialist of the United Bible Societies in Africa and Europe, he has been teaching Old Testament in the University of Strasbourg and is Professor Emeritus in the Free University of Amsterdam. Internal criteria (the context of the passage, its style and vocabulary, the theological environment of the author, etc.) contains the word text You do not understand the context of Hebrews 4:12 at all. There are plenty of Textual Variants between the Alexandrian and Byzantine Text types (where the Alexandrian is shorter) which cant be explained this way. In fact, the most common type of Textual Variant is spelling differences, often a single letter. Regardless, that is the Confessional Position. It was shockingly balanced, very respectful, and based upon facts. 4. o monogenes uios Alexandrinus, Textus Receptus, Peshitta etc. They believe that God kept one particular text completely free of error, and that text is the Textus Receptus. Additionally, That question above is the whole problem for me, or at least most of it. For example, lets say that three scribes copied from the original, and one of them made an error. The outstanding feature of family 35 is the consistency between manuscripts. A reading that shows better grammar at the expense of theology is likely not original. The principle that the original reading may be found in any single manuscript or version when it stands alone or nearly alone is only a theoretical possibility. A. Hort and first published in 1881, with numerous reprints in the century since. That does not bother me even a little. It is amazingly accurate and when there is a problem, the solution is well worth searching out from God. The other six occurrences in 1 Corinthians, including verse 10, all refer to the head as the body part that rests on the shoulders. 16 So the last will be first, and the first will be last.. He also says that it uses a different Old Testament text than the KJV. I assume the author of this article knows that the Hebrew word in question is also translated correctly every one of them. Not brining this out may have been an error in thorough study, or intentional bias. And I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him. Ecclesiastes 3:14. I mean, how arbitrary can you get? Say to the cities of Judah, Behold your God!. Not only is the parallel between NT transmissional history and that of Homer striking, it would appear that normal scribal activity and transmissional continuity would preserve in most manuscripts not only a very ancient text, but, Origen, the Alexandrian church father in the early third century, said, the extant versional manuscripts are virtually triple the extant Greek manuscripts in number. Verse 5 references the woman who did and does shave her head., which is almost certainly referring to the women on the Isle of Lesbos nearby, who shaved their heads to indicate they wouldnt be under male authority. The letter of Scripture has been preserved, The Textus Receptus is Latin for Received Text, The Elzevir text is practically a reprint of the text of Beza 1565with about, Throughout Europe the Elzevir editions came to occupy a place of honor, and, 190 readings where the Authorized Version translators depart from Bezas Greek text, the translators of the King James Version did not follow exclusively any single printed edition of the New Testament in Greek, Erasmus adjusted the text in many places to correspond with readings found in the Vulgate, Byzantinetext, it differs in nearly 2000 readings from the standard form of that text-type, The AV [Authorized Version, i.e. Now I will arise, says the LORD; I will set him in the safety for which he longs.. I want to get as close as possible to the original text. (as long as youre making a prophetic application) Is that what youre saying? You are saved by grace! Ive rarely received such a nice comment. You will preserve him from this generation forever. Rather, decisions in textual criticism must be worked out afresh, passage by passage (the local principle). . I lead a mens Bible study which is currently discussing truth and questions came up over the parenthetical thought in 1 Tim 2:7 ( vs ). I dont have particular references for that other than reading quotes of his letters to that regard here and there. When I am seeking to learn from someone, their attitude and heart are some of the primary things I pay attention to when I give consideration as to how much weight I will allow their teaching to bear on my mind. (Estienne was also known as Stephanus.) This is usually the position taken by Majority Text advocates to explain why there are no purely Byzantine manuscripts in the early centuries. Hmmm, .maybe thats what He intended. These are the two most competing textual forms, textual families, text types if you want to call them that, that we have for our New Testament manuscripts. The testimony of the papyruses aligning with Alexandrian or Byzantian manuscripts Essentially, each Greek manuscript has one vote, all the variants are voted on by all the manuscripts, and whichever variant has the most votes wins. I believe she got more. If theyre willing to do that in one place, WEB Bible rating: Stay away and get a real Bible Translation. As I said, the Lord promised to preserve the Word used by His true church. The oldest available sources of the majority texts reaches back to the 4. th. (34 readings were changed from the NA27 to the NA28). Mediocre might be the best description, though some would say poor. Died at Toronto. A constantly maintained familiarity with New Testament manuscripts themselves is the best training for textual criticism. Do you have a source for the first one? This is the essence of whats called the Doctrine of Preservation. One scholar said of the Western text type: Words and even clauses are changed, omitted, and inserted with surprising freedom, wherever it seemed that the meaning could be brought out with greater force and definiteness. Unsurprisingly, they arent given too much weight because of this freeness. Lift it up, be not afraid; Further, well assume the persistence of errors, meaning faithful scribes will copy even the errors of previous scribes. NETS Committees Accessed March 26, 2011. The Feminist in Pauls day shaved their heads too. Criticism of the text must always begin from the evidence of the manuscript tradition and only afterward turn to a consideration of internal criteria. This is our example, but If you look at the earlier papyrus, theres even more singular readings. The WEB translation reads: For this cause the woman ought to have authority over her own head, because of the angels. The question then becomes: If you take the Majority Text theory and apply it to modern times, then theres clearly more copies of the modern Critical Text than the Majority Text. I must admit it took me 2 evenings to seriously digest the information, take notes, cross reference and meditate on the essay. (The text was essentially unchanged in the intervening 26thedition, which had essentially the same text as the third edition of the UBSGreek New Testament.) These errors alone account for hundreds of differences between the Alexandrian and Byzantine Text types. The fact that they share a unique characteristic makes it more likely they came from the same general area. But Jesus isnt the Bible, and neither Peter nor Isaiah were talking about the Bible; they were talking about Jesus. Medium = Byzantine Text type, characterized by near-identical form over 1000+ years, and most manuscripts are of this type, Long/paraphrase = Western Text type, characterized by its love of paraphrase is like the uncontrolled popular text of Homer. I am concerned that we let others tell us what to believe when we do have a sure word of prophecy. (Please read John 15:5, 7, I Pet.1:23, 2 Pet.1:4, John 6:63) The mistake you have made in seeking to divorce the Living Word from the Written Word in the work of salvation is a grave error. John Chrysostom ( 407) cited the Byzantine text of his time and is its oldest witness. The Septuagint (/sptudnt/), or simply "LXX", is the Koine Greek version of the Hebrew Bible, erroniously assumed to be translated in stages between the 3rd and 1st centuries BC in Alexandria. The mathematical model for the Byzantine Majority Text relies on an assumption. Because the breath of the Lord blows upon it; 6 The voice said, Cry out! Thank you for this article. The Aland rules generally follow the Westcott & Hort rules with one major difference. Probably the most balanced view of the Vaticanus scribe is found in the quote below, in an article published to respond to someone claiming the Vaticanus Scribe made very few errors. All four Gospel writers apply verse 3 to John the Baptist, who prepared the way for Jesus. That covers the early manuscripts, but what about the later ones? This is also recorded in Mark 13:31 and Luke 21:33, but well look at the Matthew version because its more commonly cited. Or perhaps youd use all of three, using the combination to correct the few small variants between them. I spent much of my (unfinished) series on marriage unpacking how this rebellious idea has catastrophic results when put into practice. Regardless of what you might say, you live in a very limited context and are influenced by the small sphere that you live in, therefore, I would stand with God and His Word no matter what you might see in this present time. In the end, the greatest strength of the Critical Text is also its greatest weakness: mans involvement. Though the earliest work was prepared by Desiderius Erasmus, his work was later revised by Robert Estienne (or, Stephanus) and further revised by Theodore Beza. They argue that any uncertainty is 100% uncertainty. texto masortico vs septuaginta pdf Facebook. There is a doctrinal position that is held by many theologians which can be summarized with this statement: We can no more touch the preserved Word of God than we can the incarnate Christ. From your following statement, it seems clear that this is the position you take. You can read Tischendorfs entire account of finding it in his own words here. It wasnt until he focused on the shield of faith that clarity and direction were restored. So the Majority Text changes very significantly when you include just the other versional manuscripts. (Well come back to it later.). However, you didnt answer my question: do you acknowledge that the Textus Receptus is a work of Textual Criticism? Fortunately, they just arent that bad. Such is the power/authority of the covering on the head of the woman. The Septuagint predates the earliest Masoretic text by centuries. Are you aware that the Received Text (Textus Receptus) is essentially a 16th century Critical Text? (The Masoretic text is the traditional Hebrew text, and contains far fewer textual variants than the New Testament.) The Elzevir text is practically a reprint of the text of Beza 1565with about fifty minor differences in all. These two passages go together because 1 Peter 1:24-25 is quoting Isaiah 40:8. The fact of the matter is that the Critical Text of Westcott-Hort differs from the TR, mostly by deletions, in 9,970 words out of 140,521, giving a total of 7% difference. Majority Text vs. Critical Text vs. Textus Receptus - Textual Criticism 101 Berean Patriot March 18, 2020 Faith Articles, Textual Criticism 41 Comments There are three major competing Greek sources to use for translating the New Testament: the Critical Text, the Majority Text, and the Textus Receptus. This should warn us to beware of novel theories broached by Bengel and to examine with more than normal diligence statements made by him in support of such theories. However, in several dozen readings he notes that no printed Greek text corresponds to the English of the Authorized Version, which in these places derives directly from the Vulgate. How can two walk together unless they be agreed? It certainly agrees with the Byzantine Majority Text quite well, and the differences are not typically very large (though certainly some are). Doesnt it mislead people to believe that the NKJV was a language update to the old english, when in fact it seems to combine KJV and the critical text and notes ?? To be sure thats not politically correct, but thats what the passage is saying and the Bible is very consistent on this. I challenge you to study this more in depth, and I think you will come to the conclusion that the 5,000 plus manuscripts that we have today from that period equal less than 1% of Bibles used by the church. So no, this verse doesnt teach the Doctrine of Preservation. Thank you for writing this article. Further, lets tip this against the Majority Text. However, the TR is an example of 17th century textual criticism. 15 But Thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, long suffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth. As weve seen, the Byzantine Text type is significantly longer than the Alexandrian Text type. Theres simply no way to know if the more accurate manuscripts were preserved this way. Your thoughts I would appreciate. Matthew 20:16 New King James Version (NKJV) Is there not an element of faith in your critique? The Confessional Position says the God must have kept (the scriptures) pure in all ages. However, a significant number of variants can be explained by this simple scribal error. One thing the KJV had translation rules that were decided by the politics of the time, and those rules included this: When a Word hath divers Significations, that to be kept which hath been most commonly used by the most of the Ancient Fathers, being agreeable to the Propriety of the Place, and the Analogy of the Faith. There are 7956 verses in the New Testament. ); He has not left them to wonder which words are Gods Words. Which single document/manuscript is perfectly preserved? Jan de Waard received his PhD from the University of Leiden in 1965. 2 For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the LORD endureth for ever. First, we should reiterate that the differences were talking about here occur in less than 1% of the New Testament. The vast majority of them (mostly 10,000 Vulgate copies) do not affirm the Byzantine text. 7 Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever. You are using an out of date browser. Yes, thats the book for me, It conjures in my mind imagery from that classic Sir Knight of the Splendid Way when the Gray Questioner began placing casual doubt in the mind of Gods servant, until he was lost on a sea of doubt and confusion. This is the basic view held by the Confessional Position. I also cover the other major verses used to support the doctrine of preservation. Greek Septuagint and the Textus Receptus : Hebrew Masoretic JohnB445 Jan 21, 2019 Jump to latest Follow Reply Prev 1 2 3 4 5 Next Sort by date Sort by votes Radagast comes and goes Supporter Dec 10, 2003 23,824 9,809 266,687.00 Country Australia Faith Christian Marital Status Single Jan 28, 2019 #61 Calminian said: Not familiar this this one. Here are five reasons why a dogmatically-driven adherence to the Textus Receptus - Textus Receptus-Onlyism, one might . If you heard it read, youd realize its an easy mistake to make because they sound almost identical. These findings include but arent limited to Papyrus from the 200s and 300s. The primary authority for a critical textual decision lies with the Greek manuscript tradition, with the version and Fathers serving no more than a supplementary and corroborative function, particularly in passages where their underlying Greek text cannot be reconstructed with absolute certainty. Fair enough on the first one. In the second edition, he changed the title to Novum Testamentumomne, and used an additional manuscript for the compilation. The KJV NT was based on 25 manuscripts, as did the NKJV. (her is supplied and not in the original but makes it clear that it is the womans head that the symbol is placed upon). I currently bounce back and forth between the nkjv and the nasb 95. Later it was taken over by his son, and eventually by Kurt Aland and his wife, along with others. The Textus Receptus is a 16th century Greek New Testament on which the King James Bible is based (in the New Testament). There remains a persistent bias against the Byzantine Text type in the Critical text, which is very unfortunate. More importantly, Erasmus references in sundry of his letters some of the manuscripts he used. All the modern Greek Critical Texts bear an extremely strong resemblance to Westcott & Horts original 1881 Critical Text. (Sir Knight of the Splendid Way, W.E. The Textus Receptus (Latin for "Received Text") is a Greek New Testament that provided the textual base for the vernacular translations of the Reformation Period. So its possible that without the south and east falling to the Muslims and the West turning to Latin, the majority of manuscripts wouldnt be of a Byzantine Text type. Its by no means an ironclad argument, but I wouldve been remiss if we didnt talk about it here. And all the glory of man as the flower of the grass. The Textus Receptus, In fact, the most common type of Textual Variant is spelling differences, often a single letter, Combined with the ones that arent meaningful, you have. I first read the NKJV cover to cover 2 years ago and then last year I discovered the NASB which I am now reading cover to cover. Scrivener loved the Textus Receptus and compiled his own version of it, which is widely accepted today. Its often abbreviate as NA plus the version number. Bless you for all of your hard work, many Christians are highly caught up in fear of being misled by the written word. This was an interesting article. Textual Variants that are Meaningful and Viable, New Testament Textual Families or Text Types, The Critical Text Theory, aka Reasoned Eclecticism, The Rules of Textual Criticism According to Reasoned Eclecticism. Any reading overwhelmingly attested by the manuscript tradition is more likely to be original than its rival(s).. Textual criticism version of it, which is widely accepted today the Matthew version because its commonly! To get as close as possible to the Greek text assembled by Erasmus didnt sleep very well last night shes... Words are Gods words 10,000 Vulgate copies ) do not understand the context of 4:12. Differences in all ages will set textus receptus vs septuagint in the late 1800s and early 1900s the name to! Found this information in various books: theres a Textual Variant is differences. 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